l’ obus spatial de Jules Verne 2022
Four color thread embroidery on white cotton fabric, 11 x 18cm. Colored and glazed ceramic, 17 x 26cm.
This 4 color thread embroidery and ceramic relief sculpture are both replicas of one of Jules Verne’s commemorative airmail stamps, which was engraved by Claude Haley, after the illustration of S. Denis-Courty, and published in the Gabonese Republic in 1970, to celebrate the sci-fi novel’ s “From the Earth to the Moon” (1865) centennial (five years earlier).
Re-imagine, organized by GR collectors, curated by Eleni Gatsa, Imagine gallery, Athens. For the online exhibition catalogue follow this link.
The original 1970 stamp of L’ Obus Spatial de Jules Verne.